A condition in which one suffers so much discomfort, itching , burning and pain from a hemorrhoid they form a psychosis of anger and rage.
The wooden diner booths gave so much discomfort, the man / woman experienced Hemmoratic rage and trashed the restaurant.
When you can't sleep for so long that you get angry and go on a rage.
I couldn't fall asleep until 2:30 last night. I went on an Insomni-Rage.
A batshit short welsh bird who likes to mutilate other players on rebirth island.. can get particularly bitchy if your stupid enough to make sexist comments..especially regarding sandwiches.. rages like a madwoman on the regular and uses insults like “I hope your mother burns your curry”
Where the **** did that come from?? You raging welsh midget
An alternate method of describing the anger symbol emoji or its shape when appearing on one's forehead.
"Bro, did you see how mad that guy got? I could practically see his rage crease."
A dangerous state of the breed of human called "gamer" where in a "game" or perhaps another "gamer" has caused them to enter this state of utter and total badass
Gamer rage 1 - suck a wiener
Gaymer rage 2 - Drink a pint of hot dog water
Guerilla Rage Cage is a modernized drinking game originated in West Seattle where group members travel to an urbanized area with a foldable table and Solo cups. The aim is to generate hype and fun.
Last night we all went to Madison for Guerrilla Rage Cage. Gatsby lost and had to drink the b*tch cup.
A fire track released by MARAUDA!!! Also it is a business where they have a room that you can destroy objects in. Could be for releasing anger and stress or just for fun. Aka, smash room, anger room.
Bro #1: DAMMIT, the condom broke! 🤬
Uncle: How about we take out our rage and smash some shit in a rage room!
Bro #1: Ight but my ass needs to heal first