How you wanna make everything prior to The Inspector coming by to look at your place.
I try to always keep things reasonably clean and tidy around my apartment in any case, but this also lessens the burden of making everything "neat ‘n’ sweet" for da monthly quarters-inspection.
The next level of Greasy Sweet - perfect, flawless and deffinantly not Naff
Those decorations are so Greasy Sweet that they've turned Cheesy Sweet!
A person who is of questionable moral judgement, but overall a decent person.
"Uncle Fester, he does some weird s**t but he's a sweet soup though. Man never meant no harm."
Tweeting on a touchscreen while so covered in sweat that it comes out completely wrong.
An example of Sweeting would be accidentally tweating 'fatty badgers' while attempting to tell the world about the mildly strenous walk you are currently partaking in.
Dakota sweet is the best boyfriend in the entire world. He is the most loyal and most sweetest guy . He knows how to treat a girl right and is a true Prince. He will be your ride or die. He has bright blue eyes and dark hair. The cutest smile belongs to him.
Wow Ashley' s so lucky to be dating Dakota sweet. I wish he was my boyfriend
The fluids that pour out of a woman after a good fuck
I pounded her pussy with my roundtree until the Sweet Creek flowed.
The cutest ugliest thing on earth
See that girl, she looks like a washed sweet potato