He’s a sweet guy but don’t get on his bad side you would be very lucky to be his girlfriend don’t make him feel pressured to answer ur questions and once you’re his friend never let him go
Charlie is so sweet
Short, annoying girl that is ALWAYS there standing behind you. Breathing on you. Smelling you. Trying to touch you. Can't take a hint. GO AWAY. Blue eyes. Bleached blond hair. YES YOU.
Girl #1: Charlie! We have been through this! No touching at school!!!!
Girl #2: Take a hint.
Charlie is a little blond boy that tries to seem like he is the best and better than all the rest. He goes outside and has a life, making him think that he has the right to make fun of everyone else. He has games on his phone. Do not sit next to him in class because he will try and annoy you as much as possible, including by pulling out your earbuds. Be careful. His mum is the best though.
Person 1: Did you have to sit next to Charlie today?
Person 2: Yes, and oh my god that was the worst thing ever he kept annoying me.
The prettiest and funniest person you’ll ever meet, and incredibly sweet, you’d be lucky to ever have one of them as a friend, and would be even luckier to date them. Go give your Charlie a hug for me.
Person 1: who’s your best friend?
Person 2: Charlie, it’ll always be Charlie.
The cutest person on the planet. Someone who makes every day special and gives you a warm feeling.
These are proven facts.
Charlie is a cutie and he can’t deny it!
An amazing guy that is clueless about any girl that may give him hints that she likes him.
A Charlie is just an amazing person