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Trash Panda

Attempted squatter bum, who leaves shit in your yard; including rusty trailers/syringes, useless plastic bins, a truck topper over the trailer with black garbage bags filled with his soiled clothing. Frequently the trash panda parks whatever vehicle they have at the time right in your front yard and opens all the doors and the trunk and proceeds to search/flail his vehicle for nothing or for his lost keys which he loses every 2 to 4 to 6 hours. You will want to help find the keys or else you are stuck with him forever. He causes major grief and extreme hatred and loss of respect from your neighbours while telling you what you should do and how to fix/wreck your house. He will go through your personal items eg)your side night table which had a drawer of personal letters sent to you by your loved ones while you are serving time overseas in the military. eg)Your Bible (that your father who was the best person ever in the world and also had to battle with constant deadly health conditions and an abusive father who died when he was twelve from drinking himself to death) is taken from your night table and found by you, tucked away in a random basement cupboard. Then when you ask him about it he says "oh I thought that was my lyric book". It takes a minimum of 2 to 3 months to eject the trash panda, after ejection you will deal with 3 to 4 to 8 months of trash cleanup and rebuilding relationships with neighbors.

"Oh man don't talk to that guy or invite him into your house. His name is Dustin Daniel Lydell Elliot. He's a trash panda. I've heard that when he shits in your bathroom it smells like a rotting body."

by February 21, 2024

Trash Panda

Someone who’s house looks like the city dump and they have to rummage through trash to find anything.

Look at her house! She’s such a trash panda

by NachoBusiness3 May 23, 2023

Trash Panda

Another variant of "coon", much less known about and rarely used.

Can also be a discriminatory comment about the homeless' immense need for food.

You fucking Trash Panda!

Lmao that guy is a Trash Panda.

by That1GuyThatUSawThat1Time January 21, 2023

Statin Island Trash

A classic New York whore. Skilled in everything sexual.

Jim: I don't go for statin island trash
Tim:your fucking retarted

by Mister732 November 26, 2011

trash madden

someone who sucks in madden; Dro

dro is trash madden

by abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz February 3, 2009

1👍 10👎

Straight Trash

Straight Trash is a new disparaging term utilized in Facebook discussion threads to describe something that someone doesn't like or to exaggerate displeasure with a comment posted by another person.

It is often used in a sports-related context to express annoyance or aggravation with a player's poor performance, especially a star player going through a costly slump.

The term is sometimes used ironically and is often expressed as a hashtag, #StraightTrash. The construction often takes the form of an equation: Favorite Player + Poor Performance = #StraightTrash

Baltimore Orioles' starting pitching + high ERA = Straight Trash


Washington Capitals + NHL Playoffs = Straight Trash

That last comment you posted = Straight Trash

by RiffGibson April 19, 2017

Straight Trash

A word used to describe most of the lower eschelon of white people. Or people of no class, which is white people.

Wow! Look at those people over there going to the Garth Brooks concert.

Yeah bro, they're Straight Trash.

Already bro!

by Hangin&swangin69 April 30, 2019