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Dirty Sanchez

our l0rd for 2015

don't mess with the best, Dirty Sanchez for 2015.

by randoboy April 9, 2014

Dirty Sànchez

A shit mustache left behind from eating ass.

My wife noticed that I came home from work with a Dirty Sànchez. She was pissed because I don't eat her ass.

by AlienShoe July 11, 2018

Dirty sanchez

When a man shits in a condom the proceeds to freeze it then hides it under a random persons pillow

Mark asked John what he did last night and John said “I gave this lady from the nursing home a dirty sanchez

by Quadrapoliegec May 30, 2022

Dirty Sanchez

When Doing a Girl doggy style you insert both of your index fingers into her asshole then pull them out lean into her and proceed to smear a handle bar style mustache on her upper lip. Òle.

My girlfriend and I got fucked up on margaritas and started doing it doggy style I felt in the spirit and gave her a dirty Sanchez to finish the night

by Deputy Law Dawg August 17, 2019

Dirty Sanchez

Giving head while guys taking a dump

Jan gave bill a dirty Sanchez.

by Italiangoddess1979 June 10, 2024

Dirty sanchez

When he wipes duke on the lip

Lauren- I can't believe Walt gave me a dirty Sanchez last night. Michelle- I can

by Seachello May 4, 2017

dirty sanchez

when you insert something in their tight chocolate doughnut but they shit a little so you take it out and bob ross an authentic mexican mustache across their upper lip.

"OMG Sarah is such a slut, she gave a dirty sanchez to her boyfriend and licked it off"
"that night with jeff was awesome I didn't tell him I get turned on by poo and yet he still gave me a dirty sanchez"

by jefarbel November 14, 2023