Source Code

Boy Pregnancy

After participating in gay anal sex, the top ejaculates in the bottoms asshole, and leaves it to cook. The next time the bottom takes a shit, he will have his poop covered in nut, thus delivering the Boy Pregnancy.

After Joey nut in Connor's ass, Connor went to take a shit. When Connor shat, he discovered his Boy Pregnancy.

by divinemxm February 28, 2019

26๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Boy

Derogotory term used by blacks to refer to caucasian peoples.If you call a black person "black boy", they say its racist but they refer to caucasian males as "white boy".

dem white boys like deer huntin an shit like dat.

by shadowace January 30, 2005

3240๐Ÿ‘ 1486๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soft Boy

Generally, the Soft Boy is the brother of the infamous Fuck Boy. The master plan behind the Soft Boy is to appear gentle and... well, soft. Cute, pure, and slightly Alt in order to get within your pants. An indicator is when they wear a Tame Impala shirt or bite their lips.

Person One: "Oh my god, Todd is wearing that weird sweatshirt popped collar jeans combo with fluffy upright curly hair again."
Person Two: "Oh cock, Todd's become a soft boy!"

by The Moist Critic February 8, 2022

41๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boy Crazy

being boy crazy feels horrible. I don't know if i'm boy crazy or not but every time i see a boy i have a crush on them and i'm dating somebody. Then i break up with the guy i was dating and start dating the boy that i thought was cute next thing u know i have a crush on somebody else then i get excited i don't know but i need help. I think i'm being boy crazy. Girl's might think this to

omg! haven't u seen him! he's cute but i don't know i think i'm gonna break up with my boyfriend and start dating him. Next day "hey i'm dating him now! omg! that boy's cute! i think i'm gonna break up with my boyfriend again and start dating him! I think i'm boy crazy

by This is being boy craziness February 4, 2016

52๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pep Boys

A store with a wack aisle full of APC products and fake spinners.

y0 dawg letz go fly-izzle ova 2 da sheezy oef da heezie pep boyz aen buy a nu 4 foot apc wing yo

by digitaloutsider July 13, 2004

45๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

hockey boy

Wears khakis, sperrys, hockey jackets, and have greasy flow. They wear trench coats, baseball caps and red scarves. Usually considered popular at school, always seen with their squad. Never by themselves. Fuck boys who think theyre sick!!!!

oh he's one of those fuckboy hockey boy guys

by SWAGyoLO January 19, 2015

62๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Country Boy

I decide to amend y'alls deffinetions becuse none of them summed it all up.

He is normally seen wearing a baseball cap, old jeans, and a t-shirt, but will occasionally wear cowboy-boots and a button-down shirt.

Strong and hard working and most likely drives a truck

Works hard, plays hard. Can usually fix just about anything that needs fixing including trucks, home repair, yard repair, light to heavy machinery, etc. Knows how to relax. Common relaxing hobbies include kicking back with friends, bond fires, muddin, light to moderate drinking.

Generally loves his country, military, and conservative politicians. Fiercely loyal to family and friends. Is NOT a racist, but supports the Confederate flag for historical reasons.

99% of us are NOT white trash, ignorant, close minded racists.

A real country boy is kind in nature but very masculine, and always treats his woman with respect. They are generally very polite, old fashioned, easy-going, and genuine.

A true blue country boy works hard for what he wants, loves and treats his girl and family right, and lives for Jesus.

Just because some guy drives a new truck, wears camo, and flies a rebel flag doesn't mean a thing. It all has to do with how you were raised, your morals, and your lifestyle.

Y'all can make up a sentence to put here about country boys

by John 3:16 November 29, 2015

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