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Someone who plays Fortnite

You are such a virgin.

by DadofBOY June 17, 2019


A rare race of people who haven't had sex with anyone cuz they are religious (waiting for marriage)
Not ready or too young

I know 12 year olds are loosing their virginity because they are obsessed with sex!

I'm still a Virgin

by Woooalgiszilirocks October 6, 2019


A word degenerate men often use to describe other males who don't have massive amounts of random sex with women they just met (only women because these same men often take part in gay bashing and have no concept on female biology and pregnancy.) Macho or fragile men with AIDS, other STD's, prison time, or children they never see often use this word against smart people to make themselves feel better.

Mark is such a virgin, he hasn't had a girlfriend in two years now.

by AshX142 August 22, 2023


A person who vapes.

Person 1 sees a guy walking a dog who vapes
Person 1 to Mother "What a fucking virgin"

by memebigboy69 February 26, 2018


Anything Gavin related

I get no girls like the Gavin dude I’m a virgin

by thedictionarysourcerer January 10, 2022


Gavin Cambridge

I get no girls I’m a “virgin” (Gavin Cambridge)

by thedictionarysourcerer January 10, 2022


Gavin Cambridge

I get no girls I am a virgin (Gavin Cambridge)

by thedictionarysourcerer January 10, 2022