a code term for smoking weed
yo man lets go eat some oatmeal
Suggesting that a country or place needs to be occupied/influenced by the US Military. This term arises from the US's history of occupation, invasion, and meddling in other parts of the world under the guise of liberation or spreading democracy.
Person 1: Did you hear that oil was discovered in Antarctica?
Person 2: "Really? Sounds like those penguins need some freedom!"
Person 1: "The Ark of The Convenient may be in Ethiopia."
Person 2: "Sounds like Ethiopia needs some freedom!"
a call for sex where the male will ejaculate in the orifice of the body as illustrated by the significant other.
"C'mon babe! Give The Printer Some Ink!"
Slang for taking a dump or piss, commonly know as a number 1 or number 2
"I'm touching cloth here (Also slang for the need to take a dump) gonna go crunch some numbers
To ask for a fist bump (In a cool manner) ((Usually used between friends or close colleagues))
Parker: Yo Caelan fire me some fist
Caelan: *Gives Parker a sick fist bump*
Have some balls. Show courage and enact principles.
"I hope, somewhere inside the policing machine, a new generation of coppers is prepared to show some minerals, to shake the tree, to remember why they joined in the first place." Dominic Adler, writer and former detective in the Metropolitan Police, UK
Shredding some gnar is a form of getting girls and eating their pussy.
"Yo dude lets go shred some gnar at the bar"
"Totally dude"