When you make a girl eat lots off Mexican food and proceeds to Hershey squirt on your face. You then 1-2 Mayweather her ass in a fiery rage hence making you look like a Mexican Mud Dragon
My girl shat on my back so i beat her ass like a Mexican mud dragon
The day when the dragon finally leaves by flying over the wide ocean towards east! Usually followed by long lasting celebrations!
Dragon liberation day: Holiday on the 3rd of January for the people east of Woodward when the mother in law dragon finally leaves.
Being under the narcotic influence of prescription cough syrup containing promethazine/codeine.
Oh shoot that's just the hallucinations man you been riding the purple dragon
to voluntarily enter rehab for a drug/alcohol abuse problem.
i know it's hard, but most people need to know how to slay your dragon, or their dragon, rather, without waiting for the problem to get worse.
When you're smoking up with one of your friends and watching movies, the moment the last puff of the jay comes by it is taken by one of the two. When the joint is finished, and the person lets out a cloud of smoke, both of you think its done. The last one to smoke proceeds to stare meaningfully at the finished spliff, when all of a sudden that person lets out another billow of smoke through his nose. However, not just one, but TWO billows. THAT is the Double Puff Dragon.
The smoke resembles that of a dragon.
WOAH! You just let out a Double Puff Dragon! AMAZING!
A hand job were the giver covers their hand in rubbing alcohol before setting it on fire. The giver must then jerk the male off until completion, or third degree burns set in.
"oh yeah it was sick! He let me do the Finnish Glove Dragon on them!"
"Yeah it was fun until he had to go to the hospital with 3rd degree burns"
Fireball mixed with angry orchard
I got fucked up on Dragon ball Z and watched Dragon Ball Z.