Very loud and aggressive, yet sweet and hard working. She will spend her time, money,. . .etc. to make sure that her friends know that she cares. Mikeeli will text you for hours and hours at a time without shame. She can't spend more than a day in a big city without missing her small country home. Nothing can stop her from perusing her dreams.
Mikeeli wouldn't be caught dead wearing pink and makeup is out of the question. This can make her friends jealous because her lashes are so long. Guys can't understand how amazing she is and she is cool with that. Unless he's the one she wants. Mikeeli can be like a medicine that makes all the hard times in life seem to melt away.
She's such a Mikeeli.
I wish I had a Mikeeli friend.
Very loud and aggressive, yet sweet and hard working. She will devote her time, money, . . .etc. to make sure her friends know that she's there for them. She can't spend more than a day in a big city before missing her small country home. Mikeeli wouldn't be caught dead wearing the color pink and makeup is out of the question. Nothing can stop her from perusing her dreams. People love her for her competitiveness and how it makes the situation that much more hilarious. Guys can't understand how amazing she is and she doesn't care at all. Unless he's the one she wants.
Dang! That girl's a Mikeeli.
The act of purposely sticking your finger through the toilet paper to tickle your dirty butthole.
I was feeling really down because i fly my wingsuit with my knees bent so i gave myself a Purple Mike to raise my spirits... But it didnt work and now im even sadder than before...
When an individual cannot learn a lesson from numerous criminal convictions, like driving while under the influence convictions, for example.
Synonym: armed career criminal, but for DWIs
I tried to help my friend get his license back, however, I’m afraid he is a total Mike Nelson about it.
When an individual cannot learn a lesson from numerous criminal convictions, like driving while under the influence convictions, for example.
Synonym: The DWIs version of an armed career criminal
Tulane University's current president; he claps like a seal and kind of racist. He's known for buying underaged students drinks and mistaking any poor person as his personal Uber.
Mike Fitts bought me booze at Commander's Palace.
Omg what drink?!
I ordered a coffee and it had whisky in it.
:0 No way!
Give advice to an expert when you know nothing about the job
Don’t be a mike and leave the plumber alone