When you eat a girl out with a fat dip in.
The redneck ate his girlfriend out giving her some mississippi mud lube.
Mississippi mud lube is eating a girl out with a fat chew in.
I gave my girlfriend the Mississippi mud lube last night in bed.
The act of leaving your penis inside of an Anus overnight achieving a pickling effect on your penis.
1. I enjoy fishing, small model painting and mud pickling on occasion.
2. When I'm done mud pickling my dick is to water logged to function.
Protective equipment required when delivering your mud luggage.
Mitch: “Hey Eliza, how do you reckon I make sure I don’t get any shit on my hands when I go on the mud run?”
Eliza: “I would wear the mud gloves you packed, num nuts!”
Someone who’s a straight shooter, a real kill.
Man Timmy is a mud thrower! I wouldn’t wanna mess with him!
The money you make while pouring a flat ass slab.
I’m finna make this mud money at Milis flatwork.
a group of people larger than 3 made up of african americans.
hey mane, lets go join this mud puddle.