A really cool and hot person, typically the girlfriend of a hot guy
“Woah that girl is totally a purple piece of aluminum foil!”
He is wherever no one is looking and he is always there.
The Purple Man is watching you.
If you find this. The_real_purple_man.2020 is I, Samuel M
Brendan thinks The purple man is mark but it really might be nick.
When your niggas bitch massacres the fuck out of his neck with hickeys
Yo my dawg is a purple neck from his ugly ass girl
When you have anal sex with your partner and prolapse their anus, the. Proceed to put their prolapse between two hotdog buns… man what a Tuesday.
So I was fucking Jake Paul in the butt and prolapsed his anus. So I thought this was the most opportune time to give him a purple cocker spaniel.
The purple robe of sex is an article of clothing worn by Benedict Cumberbatch in The Abominable Bride in the BBC adaptation of Sherlock Holmes. The robe is a piece of clothing that looks particularly good on him.
Sherlock is wearing the purple robe of sex again; millions of Cubmerbitches swoon.