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A handsome guy a sexy person to be with and a amazing boyfriend and loving and the best lover you can have

Sexy daddy Jacob

by Utnjj September 6, 2019


Jacob is a guy who hurts people. Makes them love him and leaves. He's a guy who make a amazing sweet girl fall involve with him and then leaves. He only cares about himself.

-Hey,you know Jacob?
-The funny one?
-No, the asshole
-oh yeah

by thegirlyouhurt December 19, 2023


Jacob is a sweet and amazing guy! He will immediately drop whatever he is doing to hang out with his close friends, and he is very intelligent, especially in Math and History. He is blonde with blue eyes, loves sports and people, and is the best friend ever!

Maddie: Hey Jacob! Wasn't Math hilarious today?
Jacob: Yeah! When our teacher dropped that bomb, it was so gross!
Maddie: Hahaha!
Jacob: You want to hang out sometime?
Maddie: OWO !!!

by JacobLoverrrr September 7, 2018


He’s one of, if not the most sweetest, caring, kind hearted souls you’ll ever meet. Genuinely an intellectual. A best friend, and can be an even more amazing partner. He is insecure but doesn’t share how he feels with anyone he isn’t very close to. Jacob is an amazing human being

I wish I had as much integrity as Jacob.

by Chafingeyebrows January 2, 2022


That one fat kid that you see around school. Nothing special about him other than he's fat.

"Holy shit why is the ground shaking?!"
"Don't worry that's just Jacob walking down the hallway"

by Lardext May 30, 2020


Very mad man and is cool. But when he’s mad, don’t go around him.

The mad man Jacob is at the hospital.

by Nduck270 November 27, 2021


A depressed child. Even though he is ya know ^, he is really sweet and amazing. He makes people laugh and makes them happy. He is the best thing that could happen to anyone. He is also very cute even though he’s short. He doesn’t like to admit it but he is very shy.

Jacob: *cries*

by you will never find outttt April 10, 2020