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how fast do I have to walk

Someone asking how fast they have to walk for people to not realize they have dupe shoes. Respond with a joke. I.e. "bro can meditate" or "bro gotta start runningπŸ’€"

Person 1: bro how fast do I have to walk?
Person 2: you can fucking meditate dude.

Person 1: bro how fast do I gotta walk?
Person 2: Nah you have to teleport or some shit.

by Homosheshuals January 15, 2023

39πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Switched to porn when my mom walked in

A joke often used in the YouTube comments section, in which someone says "I switched to porn when my mom walked in, it's easier to explain."
People who use this joke think they are calling the video weird in a funny or original way, when in reality it's been plastered all over YouTube thousands of times. Someone who says this is often referred to as a faggot.

Person A: "Lol, this video is so weird I switched to porn when my mom walked in, it's easier to explain!"
Person B: "This joke has been viewed thousands of times and as such has been rendered completely humorless. I imagine even the dumbass that came up with the joke is weeping right now."

by Cleffroski January 25, 2015

51πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Do you like how I walk?

Do you like how I talk?

Do you like how I walk?
Do you like how I talk?
Do you like how my face
Disintegrates into chalk?

by stevegaming1483 April 13, 2021

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

take a long walk off a short pier

I want you to die, by falling off a pier. Hence if you take a long walk off a short peir, you will fall off the edge.

Take a long walk off a short pier.

by sprkim182 October 27, 2007

176πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

stomping you a new asshole and walking it dry

stomping you a new asshole and walking it dry similar to stomping a mudhole in your ass and walking it dry to get beat senseless or near death to the point of not being able to fight back

dude your girlfriend is as ugly as a mud fence

man if you don't shut up about my girlfriend im stomping you a new asshole and walking it dry, wow dude you are really uptight

man I'm telling you back off or I'm stomping you a new asshole and walking it dry

ok dude I get you

by littlejimmie December 17, 2019

he get the drip from his walk

A non gay way of saying you got " sauce " or " you look good "

Tyson saw Lucas walking down the hall way flashing his ice on his wrist and said " he get the drip from his walk "

by Karolleee January 19, 2017

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

stop walking around cullman

used to express extreme tiredness or low blood sugar

"Wake up, James!"
"What? Where am I? Stop walking around Cullman!"


"Are you ok, Jason?"
"Sugar! Stop walking around Cullman!"

by HappyHenry35 April 18, 2003

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž