Flick my firefighters cap (the tip of the penis above the line/ridge it also resembles the curve of a firefighter cap
The word cap but taken to an extreme.
An outright lie or exaggeration.
You remembered to feed the fish? That’s a cap and a half.
Cap and a half!
The exact order in which 2k cheats you, first you start with the cap which is mfs start making literally everything. The screw is the sustained cap and eventually the bullshit in which 2k robs the game from you.
Bro, we were up 87-64 with 3:21 to go in the third quarter. At the end of the quarter it is now 89-82. Like what kinda cap screw bullshit is that!?!
A protective sleeve made to go over the "jack" of instrument and other cables to keep them from getting damaged and to maintain sound quality.
I just picked up a new guitar chord and it came with Jack Caps for each end.
Wow, my chord is coming apart at the jack, I wish I had some Jack Caps to keep that from happening.
Snorting a capsule powder form
I’ve just sorted a line of cap