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Persian Fire Dragon

Dipping your penis in hot sauce and then having sex

I persian fire dragoned this girl in the vagina

by applebag09384=5091=82345=13 September 28, 2010

17👍 6👎

Rusty Fire Hydrant

When a girl squirts or guy ejaculates from anal sex

Dude 1: The frat party last night was sick, dude!

Dude 2: I don't remember half of it, bro. I was in a back room giving a girl a rusty fire hydrant.

by Squidslimer March 21, 2021

Russian Firing Squad

Gather Vladimir Putin and the whole Russian gymnastics team. Putin will then continuously mouth bang the whole team until he blows.

Gave em a Russian Firing Squad last night!
Russia Putin Penis blowjob

by WillieTrill May 5, 2015

Filipino Fire Hydrant

It is the act of gently dunking your partner's tip into chili powder, let the spice sit for approximately one minute before delicately inserting into your partner's anal cavity.

Only place I'll take a filipino fire hydrant is on a ski lift. Ain't that right baby cakes?

by FireMan Ron February 11, 2018

Shoot Heck Fire!

What someone says when they are in a Christian house hold or Minecraft server and doesn’t want to say “Shit Hell Fuck” or any other unholy words

Well, Shoot Heck Fire! Slap my ass and call me Susan-I just lost darned keys!

by Slutshit November 24, 2018

that fire kid on discord

Fire a mad kid on discord, who plays "counter blox" CS go... but in roblox.

(please say yes this is a disstrack at my friend pls pls pls pls pls ily if you do ok thanks ok have you done it yet? ok thanks no fr seriously please say yes to this ye syes y pls pls pls pls)

(Pyrosimpical Top shagger): aaaah have you seen that Fire kid on discord, pretty mad ay?
(some random beta male): yeaaah lad what a tosser.

by Pyrosimpical June 12, 2020


Get me excited

Fire me up boys. She was firing me up

by RP^2 April 8, 2023