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Cool Shit

Some item, event or form of entertainment that is particularly interesting. More so than anything else one has ever seen.

Oh man, that was some cool shit!

by Cam M. December 3, 2007

76๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

dank shit

1. Good weed
2. Highly potent weed (chronic)
3. Good stuff (usually referring to weed)
4. Something awesome to the maxx

1. That is my favorite dank shit man.
2. Aw I hit that dank shit and I was gone.
3. Wow that's some dank shit right there.
4. Wow this store has some dank shit!

by SxktnKandi October 29, 2005

58๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck that shit

Forget it

I was getting really frustrated with my homework so I said "fuck that shit."

by Isi Oamen June 16, 2004

634๐Ÿ‘ 195๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit nigger

A fucking worthless poor and ignorant person.

That guy smells like unwashed ass, Yea looks like a Shit Nigger to me.

by crazymofoo August 20, 2006

351๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jalapeno Shit

A giant ass form of shit you take when eating more then at least 5 jalapenos or other spicy foods. You know those long red pepper things found in Kung Pau Chicken at panda express? These are the leading causes of Jalapeno Shits.

Not to be confused with Explosive diarrhea. This does burn like hell when it drops down your ass but it doesn't leave burn marks or parts of your ass missing.

Sorry, I can't see 2012 with you. I have a bad case of Jalapeno Shit. Maybe in 4 days when I recover?

by Shit master 58 December 1, 2009

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McDonalds Shit

A shit taken that is so large and distinctin color that it looks like something that would be served on a bun at McDonalds.

Oh my God, I just took the nastiest McDonalds shit

by tonyjoe83 August 23, 2013

16๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

skittle shits

A combination of gas, fecal bits, and bile filled diarrhea that spray out of one's anus in a rainbow projectile fashion.

Hey bro, I was fucking pissed at that bartender chick who quit giving me free drinks, so I went into the bathroom and blasted skittle shits everywhere. I even shit in the soap dispenser.

by Assbag666 May 28, 2013

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