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Montana blue cheese salad

When you eat out an inbred or a family member with a yeast infection

Chloe pollan gave her mom a hot Montana blue cheese salad

by Kohpissyboi September 2, 2023

christmas salad

When you go to the mall sit on the piece of shit they have playing Santa and accidently slide between his knees and he has a gay little elf named Tim ready to eat the groceries.

Hey Jan, did you notice the way Tim was ready to eat your christmas salad as soon as you slid of old saint nicks lap.

by Ishootupbagels December 10, 2017

Smashing your salad

Smashing your salad can be used in many contexts; the most commonly is ''Want me to come over and smash your salad?''

It is a reference to a hand job.

Boy: Come round and smash my salad out for me ;)

Girl: Sorry, smashing my own salad, you should be smashing your salad by yourself!

by SaladSmasher December 5, 2011

Roberto Salad

When that nigga Diego clogged the sink with his bitch ass dishes.

Diego-“joe check out this Roberto Salad.”
Yours truly-“nigga that bitch is fucken Disgusting, best have that shit clean by the time I get back.”

by I’m high while making this July 10, 2019

spunk salad

A light semen drizzle directly onto your salad instead of the usual mayo or dressing.

"I hate that old nun, she's so homophobic."
"Never mind I've sorted her out. I only made her up a spunk salad and she's wolfing it down."
"Oh, you'll go to Hell for it."
"Worth it just to hear her ask for seconds."

by LiberaceHudson September 3, 2017

eat my salad

The action of eating ones butthole.

Come and eat my salad.

by Likdicky625 April 25, 2023

Tossed Salad

When one person uses their tongue to go to town on another's bunghole for pleasure.

Jimmy, how did you make out last night? I hear you got a nice tossed salad. Great!!! She tossed my salad for a good 18-22 minutes.

by Big Gay Jim February 16, 2023