The company of The Great Masters of Pubic Science were founded by the two top managers, Freda Mason & Georgia Sofokleous. They're main work is to do anything that has stuff to do with pubescity and ask people about how hairy their "garden" is in their "magic kingdom" and also give awards to guys with the sexiest titties (who is now fired for a very important reason) and girls with the most penis-looking vaginas. Thanks to The Great Masters of Pubic Science, there are now special shampoos and conditioners specially made to keep your pubic hair healthy, damage-free and nice smelling, so your partner doesn't complain about your pubic hair smelling like your breath (in other words, like SHIT!). You can find our shampoos and conditioners anywhere in drugstores where they sell cocaine, roofies and flavored condoms. We hope you enjoy using our pubic cleaning products. Oh, and if you have the hairiest "garden" or the biggest guy nipples contact us. I'm not telling you how, just find a way. : Thank you.
Today: Wtf?! I just got fired coz I showed my sexy titties to one of the managers and not the rest of the horny company. D:
1. To deceive by underhanded methods or to confuse, frustrate, or throw off thoroughly or completely
2. Have the initials MSW
Mark loves to be the Bamboozle Master when talking to DeAnna and Tim by saying things that are untrue or mildly false
"Why does this say 'poing' when it should say 'point'"
"I'm not sure what you're talking about, it has said 'point' this whole time"
A God among men, with the power to control the Space and Time. A person with this name is a ancestor of the old God's. If a person with this name also has a name beginning with "J" then the are the god of group in the East-midlands, England.
Praise our Mighty Lord Finn.
Finn Master, will see you now.
Do you like Good " _______" Finn.
slang for wanting to kill and mutilate anyone and everyone in the general vicinity of the speaker
if someone ever says this to you, run.
"Hop on digimon masters online.."
The master wank is when a male is at climax, he hits his penis against an object creating an explosion of semen flying across the room. This move can only be done by the experts and it would take a professional to land the semen directly onto (or into) a target.
Last night was so good! I gave her a taste of the master wank.
When lighting a bowl of weed and you remove the lighter but the flame remains like a little camp fire
Whoa bro you just did a master campy. ;-)
When lighting a bowl of weed and you remove the lighter but the flame remains like a little camp fire
Whoa bro you just did a master campy. ;-)