To feed off of another's misfortunes.
Dont argue with him, hes just trolling.
The art of hijacking a facebook post not your own to get more attention than the original poster.
"Oh look, Stan's trolling my facebook post because he need more attention than he's getting on his own page."
1. A very handsome individual
Example: SeperatingReality is quite trolling today!
Trolling, which originates from the word "troll", is when a person on the internet or in real life known as a "troller" messes around with others for amusement. This can result in the victims, or people called "trollees" being very upset, angry, or sometimes laughing along with the trollers. In some scenarios the trollees don't have any reaction. Trolling can range from simple tricks (e.g. the classic water bucket on top of the door trick) to the worst deeds known to man (e.g. simultaneously killing hundreds or thousands of people)
Oh my. It appears Harold has part take in a minuscule amount of trolling.
Something Mike does for leisure to get a rise out of people on the internet
Disc golf must be over, I just saw him trolling.
Trolling is kinda like pranking someone but on video games such as Minecraft
EXAMPLE: in Minecraft if someone put pressure plates(used for red stone) all over someone’s house and put TNT(explodes if ignited) under the blocks that have pressure plates on top so that the next time the person Walks in he or she will exploded along with there house would be an example of trolling