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Gutter Bunny

Similar to a “Snow Bunny” but instead someone who heavily listens to rap music and know the lyrics. Like snow bunny’s they typically only fw black guys.

This word became known from tiktok

I just saw another gutter bunny on my fyp, she fine asl.

by StephGgurl May 29, 2024

4👍 1👎

Gutter bunny

A fine white girl that can relate to the black culture of rap music and rap every songs world for world . That also doesn’t date white guys

She’s a gutter bunny

by 2bandz January 22, 2024

Gutter Bunny

Gutter Bunny” is a term used by Tik Tok users to identify a Caucasian female. “Gutter Bunnies” are females who act ghetto or learn lyrics of rap or trap music in order to get attention from black men.

L: Damn! Look at this girl on Tik Tok! She knows her rap verses, she must’ve grown up in the hood or something.
J: Na, she look like a regular white girl. She’s definitely a Gutter Bunny 😂

by lex.00 January 21, 2024

Gutter Bunny

The discord user named CASSIE

Cassie is a Gutter Bunny Nigga

by ZILLAB June 3, 2024

Flumpy Bunny

A very large imposing creature who's hobby is that of apprehension (typically with a trainee Flumpy Bunny).

They are usually found in Western Russia, as well as Ukraine, Kazahkstan as well as other countries where prostitution is legal.

Guy 1: Hey lads, wanna go for a walk and get a burger.

Guys: Urrrrrrrm.... NO!

Guy 1: Why not?

Guys: Word on the streets is that the Flumpy Bunny is back in town. We better watch out.

Guy 1: Oh sorry, looks like I was on the verge of aprehension.

by Dr. von Ligensteiner May 19, 2011

Bunny Flip

Taking 2CB and MDMA at the same time, as featured on Mercedes Carota (Track 12) from Bad Bunny’s album: nadie sabe lo que va a pasar mañana

Did you see Luigi Bunny Flipping at EDC Las Vegas?? Dawg was swaggin out, out dancing all them fools

by SurveilAir May 23, 2024

Bean Bunny

A mexican girl that likes black guys

That bitch is a bean bunny

by July 24, 2022