Charlie is a fatty- Harris hill, josh smillie,Kian McHale-20202
A fucking cunt who has a tiny cock. He will beat you up and then you’ll make fun of his life and he’ll cry and he’ll want to be friends again because he’s a fucking stupid cunt. He’s so stupid he moved down a year at school. He only has one friend who will suck his tiny cock which is on his forehead because he’s also the definition of a dickhead
A retard who thinks he is better than everyone else but he’s not and he has one friend who will suck his tiny cock any day of the week
Oh Charlie you little shit kys.
That which is a container for pure and unbridled testosterone
The Rock almost comes close to being a charlie
Perfectly amazing. He like one of his friends siblings
Person 1: Is that Charlie??
Person 2: ya I guess he’s with his friends siter
Charlie can not tell the truth to save his life,Dates more than. 6 girls at a time proper Fuckboi if a Charlie ask you or comes near you run for your life you never know what you might catch
Charlie is a dick
I FUCKING annoying person who has a short temper and can be easily slapped across the dam face.