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Jack Daniels Rim Runner

The Jack Daniels Rim Runner is a sex position that entails one partner first acquiring a bottle of Jack Daniels. This partner then proceeds to get his/her other partner to bend over and put their buttock in the air. The first partner with the bottle then pours a large amount of Jack Daniels on the anus (rim) of the second partner. Then, the first partner licks around the anus in a circular motion (rim-running) and sucks up all of the Jack Daniels.

Since Shanith was very sexually stimulated, he decided to take things with his partner Jeremy to the next level by doing a Jack Daniels Rim Runner on his asshole.

by Jimbo Cherruti July 13, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Daniel Hand High School

Daniel Hand High School is a public secondary school in Madison, CT. It is consistently ranked as one of the best 500 high schools in America. Most recently, it was ranked 231 by Newsweek Magazine. Hand's sports teams (the tigers) are well known and respected. Each year the teams are competitive and are expected to at least make it to states, if not win. The show choir and other musical groups are also very successful and have been featured on various news channels. The town of madison is pretty affluent which is the main reason for the exceptional students that attend here. Former students of Daniel Hand include Streeter Seidell of College Humor and Ryan Fodor, the former quarterback of the Yale Bulldogs. Hand's SAT scores are always exceptional and contribute to the 97% graduation rate. Each year, over 90% of students choose to continue their education at the post secondary levels.

"Hey, you see that kid over there?"

"The one who just hit a homerun and is going to MIT next year? Yeah, why?"

"Right now he goes to Daniel Hand High School."

by tigerpride August 21, 2011

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DCS (Daniel Craig Syndrome)

When a guy gets so drunk he thinks he looks like daniel craig, and proceeds to creep the fuck out of attractive females, in an attempt to get his dick wet. Mainly applies to people who look like the opposite of daniel craig, and think they are gods gift to women, but in reality are just an abomination to the image of man.

Brian went to court on attempted rape charges, but got off on a DCS (Daniel Craig Syndrome) technicality

by charles potts September 20, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Daniel From Camp Camp


"I only watched Camp camp for that one hot guy"
"Oh David right?"
"yes..Age appropriate...Dad like...DANIEL FROM CAMP CAMP!!"

by Connorlawl October 18, 2021

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Danielle cohn

A beautiful girl that gets a lot of hate. Her followers stand up to her and she acts her age and she dates a guy for about half a year or a year. A girl that never deserves hate.

If you see the most beautiful girl you see Danielle cohn

by Becky adkins November 29, 2018

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Daniel Boone High School

The shittiest school you can ever send your kid to that will ruin their life. The hallways smell too strongly of weed and cotton candy vape juice. There are bloodstains on the wall in one of the girls bathrooms. There are at least 2 guidance counselors and a teacher fired/arrested every year because they canโ€™t keep their hands off students. One of the teachers practices witchcraft. People get stabbed in the parks outside the building. There is rarely even a superintendent. Teachers will randomly leave out of nowhere one day after being there for decades and are never heard from again. This is a school who actively tries to kill off your students brain cells until they become speds. None of the people who work here ever knows what is going on, most of the time a student who hasnโ€™t been turned yet will organize everything because all the adults act like they slid of a dead whales womb yesterday.

Kid from a different high school: Yo how was your first day at school man?
Kid from Daniel Boone High School: Two teachers already quit, one of the students tried to rape a janitor in the lunchroom, all my friends transferred to different schools, the principals nudes were airdropped to the whole school, one of the guidance counselors already had sex 3 times with some freshman, someone brought a gun, and Jonny tried to stab three people in the eye with a paper clip.

by Ebs August 27, 2019

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daniel wright junior high

Daniel Wright is a place where kids are depressed and very stressed. Kids are rich and will do anything to get what they want. This is a clout chasing school. But donโ€™t think that they are good at sports, cause have you seen their field. 6th graders donโ€™t even get recess, cause the school only cares about good grades. I mean come on, really. There is a big difference between the popular and unpopular kids. The popular kids are always in the spotlight and donโ€™t really care about others, but thatโ€™s ok cause all of the anti-socials are watching ANIME.

Kid: โ€œHey do you want to hang out after school?โ€
Other kid: โ€œI canโ€™t I literally had a mental break down in the schools bathroom!โ€
Kid: โ€œHaHA... SaMe!โ€

Other kid: I know Daniel Wright Junior High is sooo stressful!โ€

by SAVE THE TURTLES!!! October 11, 2019

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