a mean person that always yells at you. never thinks that they are wrong at all. even when they are wrong and they know they some how turn the tables and pin it on you.
Wow you really sound like a Justin Tolbert right now
A short and fat boy with little man syndrome that bitches about Kahoot names and gets butthurt at anything. Spits sunflower seeds everyday and gets a step stool to get into his white low Ford Taurus.
Hey do you know Justin Schubert? Yeah he’s a dumbass
A loving kind hearted kid, that loves every single person no matter who they are. He only wears black and grey hoodies with Nike athletic shorts. He has lots of weird friends.
I see a kid that’s wearing a black hoodie and athletic shorts, who is it… ITS JUSTIN GOLDBERG
Founder of gogleaksmoke
Gunz of God
Tera roga
Justin Michael rispoli
Justice snow grim reaper just nice just righteous
Michael God of mafia left hand man arch angel Michael
Rispoli everything in the universe and more to infinite and beyond like the eye of ra or the illuminati eye all swing eye R Michael left fire and earth Justin water and air
You hit the Jay yes grims so naughty
Pray to Michael Saint Michael
You in the universe no I'm in the rispoli
It created gunz of God gods right hand man the man who God leans on for all of deaths destruction and fixes it to come back to life the deepest man in the world if the pyramids flipped over gunz of God would hold it onto of him till it was the right time to turn it back
Leak smoke all of the emotions feelings we have ever felt in any life time that was ever hidden or taken away from us broken apart and put back in the right feels and together they balance out everything and with rispoli we had his wife who gives us new meaning new days to come new ideas no faces no light beyond the light we already see and place of never ending life Tera roga secret agent with a Basket full of love
Love this world my friends in the beyond and afters
I appreciate you listening to our story and keeping it for the next generation
I will never forget the memories
I will never forget the love
I will never forget how amazing it was all worth to come back to and walk from square 1 again to the end with you
1👍 2👎
Very horny and smart. He will do your homework for you only if it’s a emergency. Very good at games. For example, all of the fps games. If you ever meet one of them, you are very lucky. gives you very good anal sex.
Omg Justin Huang, it feels so good
Anyone named Justin Hodges is automatically hot. They are cute and get all the ladies. They are freaky and play baseball. They are stupid a lot but they are good at math. They are also automatically cooler than anyone else especially anyone named Delani. No one likes Delani she is dumb.
omg omg justin hodges is so hot omg i want to seggs him 💦🍆🍑🥵😰