Lesbians: "Trans men should be ashamed of themselves for being men! Gay people shouldn't like men it's disgusting! #TERF"
Everyone else in the community: "This is why you have that stereotype."
a lesbian is a woman or a non-binary person, who is attracted to other women or non-binary people. In short, a non-man loving non-men.
person 1: I am a bi lesbian!
person 2: just say you're lesbiphobic and bi and go.
oh would u all get educated.
a non-male who likes/loves non-males.
if u saw 'wlw', 'lesbean' 'le$bean'. ur not funny, ur a fucking pussy.
Person 1: ''I'm such a lesbean owo''
Person 2: ''No you're not, you're such a lesbian owo''
Non-men loving non-men. This means a women could love a non-binary person and be a lesbian and a non-binary person could love a non-binary person and be a lesbian. Lesbianism is love that is detached from men.
I love lesbians so much, they are the coolest people ever!
A person who does not identify as a man, ie a non man, who is attracted to others who do not identify as men, other non men.
Non men loving non men. Inclusive of both binary women and people on the non binary spectrum.
I am a lesbian , I’m not interested in dating any guys
Living being of the feminine gender who is attracted to another living being of the feminine gender.