Source Code

Dumb Old

Something that's old and stupid with no meaning

This Dumb Old telephone I found in NY

by Dylanator6086 December 4, 2018

Dumb Chain

When someone says something dumb and someone responds to that, it makes the response or any argument surrounding it automatically dumb.
EXCEPTION: If the response is saying that the previous statement was dumb or lame in anyway it is not part of the dumb chain

Frank- "(Says something dumb)"
John- "(replies to the dumbness)"


Frank- "(Says something dumb)"
John- "That's so dumb"

by ahugeworld May 11, 2014

jim dumb

Dumber than a bag of hammers

Boy, Jim is dumber than a bag of hammers, I guess you could say, he's Jim dumb.

by ElTorrito707 September 20, 2022

Jim dumb

To be dumber than a bag of hammers.

Jim sure is dumber than a bag of hammers. I guess you could say, he’s Jim Dumb.

by ElTorrito707 September 17, 2022

Dumb Dirty Biker

A Dirty Biker who went back in 2021 and got infected twice.

I recovered from Covid-19 from Sturgis 2020, but got a breakthrough case at Sturgis 2021 from another Dumb Dirty Biker.

by August 26, 2021

big fat dumb head dumb

stupid retard rat looken self

you are a big fat dumb head dumb

by Big fat retard September 14, 2020

Dumb safeway bag/cal

A depressed faggot. He’s a short gremlin mix but he’s very cool and nice. He’s a proud non wiper!

Dumb safeway bag/Cal: I don’t wipe
Everyone: DATE ME

by Asshatofficial January 14, 2022