Something that's old and stupid with no meaning
This Dumb Old telephone I found in NY
When someone says something dumb and someone responds to that, it makes the response or any argument surrounding it automatically dumb.
EXCEPTION: If the response is saying that the previous statement was dumb or lame in anyway it is not part of the dumb chain
Frank- "(Says something dumb)"
John- "(replies to the dumbness)"
Frank- "(Says something dumb)"
John- "That's so dumb"
Boy, Jim is dumber than a bag of hammers, I guess you could say, he's Jim dumb.
To be dumber than a bag of hammers.
Jim sure is dumber than a bag of hammers. I guess you could say, he’s Jim Dumb.
A Dirty Biker who went back in 2021 and got infected twice.
I recovered from Covid-19 from Sturgis 2020, but got a breakthrough case at Sturgis 2021 from another Dumb Dirty Biker.
stupid retard rat looken self
you are a big fat dumb head dumb
A depressed faggot. He’s a short gremlin mix but he’s very cool and nice. He’s a proud non wiper!
Dumb safeway bag/Cal: I don’t wipe
Everyone: DATE ME