A Laura Lee is a bad ass feminine who takes no shit from the fucking matrix. She fights the dark demons without anyone really knowing. People can call her whatever the fuck they want to, but she knows who the fuck she is.
Wow, you fought that dark shit like a Laura Lee!
A faggot who trys to take other peoples girlfriends just so he can look cool. Really fat and doesnt have any real friends because he is a big hoe.
Friend-Why do you talk to every girl and not only one?
Nathan lee moore -Because I dont want you dating any girl that i use to like.
you can’t define lee gillibrand.
he’s the type of geezer that loves his kirst
,smokes a shit ton of weed and doesn’t remember his kids names. speaks with a very fragrant lisp. often say “KIRST!” often bumbles strangely when confused. doesn’t like members of the wog community. roofer (cash is key).
kirst: oh lee! stop knicking my fags!
lee gillibrand : wuhububha fuck off kirst ! CAUM
callum: oh what dad
lee: roll me a fucking spliff caum cheers ……
LIVIA! stop fucking vaping stupid cunt
A LG cooker who raves all night with eyes back of her head, also a ham choi blood built inside her. Usually can be found in Trancition or uni events but high possibility of getting banned.
OMG did you see that girl Rachael Lee rolling near the wall?
elly lee is beautiful and her favourite thing to eat is bananas, sausages and rodeo burgers. but watch out she might go for your younger cousins because shes a cougar.
If you don't like people from the southern part of the united states than hunter might not be the necessary name for the guy you want to date.
a lot of hunters have mullets just heads up, but don't let the name and the mullet guide you away from him.
I am dating The only Hunter lee linhart I have ever meat and he has his ups and his downs but he is the most sweet, carring, kind to me, loving guy I have ever met and that is one of the thousands of reasons why I am dating him.
The down sides of dating him is he lied 2 to me in the past 4 months and he has told himself for many years that no one will ever actually love him so he has no idea how much someone can love him.
the upsides of dating him...
he is over protective
he now knows that I love him and not for his green
He is in love with me
he is sweet, smart, amazing, cute, kind to me
he teases me to pull my strings
he tries and run into polls at school right next to me and expects me to save him every single time ( I have )
I falls backwards to the hard ground within 10 feet away from me and expects me to catch him and I always run as fast as I can to catch him because I am so scared he might hurt himself and I do
within the first month of dating he invited me to see and sit with his homies at lunch
and his hugs are like no other
His jokes are stupid but hilarious
and there is a lot more
so you get it
there are way more ups than downs to a hunter
I did and I still am after 4 months
Hunter lee linhart is Defined as an amazing person!!!