Online Dater is someone who should be banned
“National boyfriend day post him!” And “National Girlfriend day I’m waiting to get posted” are both below this NGAFAWYDD!! Because nobody really cares about who you having sex with loser 🤞
“Nobody gives a fuck about who you dating day !!! My fave day!!”
that random annoying kid who will ask their friend to get their crushes number and immediately get rejected
When Doctor Who has been off the air for what feels like an eternity.
When does the next series of Doctor Who start? Feels like this who draught is going on forever!
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a hoe who gets accused of everything.
she never gets a chance, she always takes the blame.
ariane stan twitter faught a whole block of faggots. eat my ass ! so she writes “ariane who”
slothz did
the person who made the world is slothz