1. A sexy man who is fully devoted to Melissa I. Meyers.
2. The other half of Melissa I. Meyers
3. A man who frequently gives lady boners to Melissa I. Meyers
George R. Lonner is going to be with Melissa I. Meyers forever & ever, till the end of time.
R U N F R O M M E (AKA: harda dadi)
i R U N across the street trying to escape ur moist toes.
this word is a word said to people that don't get sarcasm.
The word relates to subreddit with the same name. The subreddit is full of these examples.
Example: person 1 "1/4 men get pregnant when they don't mean to. Person 2" Men can't get pregnant". Person 1 "r/woosh".
Example: person 1 "1/4 men get pregnant when they don't mean to. Person 2" Men can't get pregnant". Person 1 "r/woosh".
wH3n u gEt oVerLoAdeD wIth MeMez
im getting overloaded with memez MEMEZ R DREMEZ
The finnish version of the subreddit /r/me_irl. Even more ridden with memes and deprived of its original purpose than meirl ever was.
Tykkään apinoista. /r/mina_irl. 49.1K members • 14 online. Join
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Nila is the most lovable and kind hearted person. She is soo hot and sexy that makes men stare at her. Once you fall in love with her there is no going back. If you meet her you are the luckiest person alive.
Hey look it's the goddess of Beauty....Nilachandana P R