To ejaculated into a Billy bear ham and eat it
After matt came into a Billy Bear Ham he decided the best way to get rid of it was to make a sandwich thus BIlly Bear Hamming
the famous billy bobgins from the hoggit
my idolized... yes... - billy bobgins
you are a small human like billy bobgins
is that your idolized?
bellum, bellum, bellum, my idolized... - bellum
When for whatever reason you must re-do your K-12 education, this is called getting Billy Madisoned.
I got Billy Madisoned when the postal worked damaged my diploma.
When you find some manky ass billy at the side of a park hidden in some bushes made out of a texta, a gatorade bottle and a bit of a coke can as a pc and you and your mate have nothing else to do so you have a few cones with some low grade bud.
9 times out of 10 doubles as a hospital trip if yous do it right
ur mate: OH FUK YEAH!!! LETS USE IT!!!!
*5 hours later ur both dead*
Billy Gor is a math teacher at LSC. He likes his students and has a funny accent.
billy : small class you can leave now . take out your lesson worksheet.
someone : billy gor so funny
Being a Bottom feeder Billy is the act of feeding off people who aren't interested in their love interests and also people who don't know they are married
What a Bottom feeder Billy, I'm not interested and he's literally married