Get blackout drunk the second your lips touch alcohol.
“Hey bro wanna go out tonight?”
“Ya I’m down just gotta make sure I don’t pull a Jake Adams since my wife’s family is in town”
“You”ll be fine bro just pull a Parker Jurg and blame it on the cold”
Hello Mark Paul Amanda Zepp Adam Dr. Gordon... I wanna play a game
Absolute gay lord and has an attraction to children 10 years old or younger
Adam Beardsmore likes kids or Adam Beardsmore is a big strokey nonce
Adam master deceptor will do anything to bamboozle you with his lies to steer you fr your original grivance with him
Don't get to close to the truth or Adam and his crew will destroy you
Adam is the best guy you will ever meet. Is really funny and will make you giggle. Has the prettiest greenish eyes and curly hair . is very sexy and if you know a adam don’t hesitate to grab him! You will be lucky. He’s a good kisser and fun to be around with
Oh look at that Adam.
Girl 2- shut up that’s my Adam.
adam means nigger - normally used when adam is being black
"oh look its an adam!"
(person 2) "Oh yeah! fuck that blacky"