The look someone gives you when they want to suck your dick
Yo buddy over there just gave me the suck eyes, he must be gay.
To call and/or compliment someone by pulling air through pursed lips (or blowing air through opn lips but closed front teeth with tongue pressed to roof of mouth). Catcall. steups n. Trinidad & Tobago. Name given to the sound made by sucking air past the teeth with lips pursed.
Not being able to see otherwise known as blind
Jeff waived to Bob but little did they know Bob was eye def
a term used to indicate crying
oh mate when she finished it i had abit of the old leak eye going on
When one consenting adult removes their prosthetic eye for the use of their partner as a sexual orifice. The half of the couple entering the socket being the ‘eye grinder’
I gave your granny a proper eye grinder.
When someone stares longingly at you with all the sexual desire in the world. This may consist of looking into your eyes and directly at your lips then back up at your eyes again. The stare is very much like a Tupperware: full of potential.
A: He was looking me up and down intensely today.
B: What do you mean?
A: He was looking into my eyes, then at my lips, and into my eyes again.
B: Ah, he was giving you Tupperware eyes.