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Shit Dust

The remaining feces sprinkles on the bottom of the bowl after the toilet is flushed from taking a dump

Hey Scott you left shit dust again!

by ScooterPants December 20, 2009

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diddly shit

A generic, and very vague way to answer a question with a great lack of enthusiasm. Commonly used after one has completed a task and is devastatingly bored, hence currently doing absolutely nothing or diddly shit.

Slim Johnson: "Hey Dick what have you been up to lately?"
Richard Head: "Well Slim... as of lately... diddly shit."

by Tight Chambers June 18, 2013

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Shit Mate

Callum Blair

When you invite a mate round for chills and thrills, and then he decides to ditch you for bigger and better things!, thus becoming a shit mate!

by Jevs92 May 9, 2010

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Shits and Grins

To do something for no reason other than to have a laugh.

Jo: lets go and see that new film.

Jake: why?!, its crap.

Jo: Just for Shits and Grins.

by viperdick April 9, 2012

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shitting nickels

to be extremely nervous

(Excerpt from Stephen King's "The Stand Complete and Uncut")
"Are you nervous?"
"Fuck, I'm shitting nickels."

by Glutton October 4, 2005

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Approximately 3.5x the necessary amount of something.

We're gonna have a shit-ton of fun!

by Hadley Sparrow January 15, 2011

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Goon shit

Things that are typically socially and or legally frowned on and borderline hazardous to the β€œgoon’s” health. This term is widely used in the Special operations and tacticool communities and slapped on shirt after shirt for IG operators to wear when they do dry fire drills in their moms basement.

I’m bored man, I’ve got some tannerite and 5.56 left over from my baby mommas funeral, let’s get hammered and go do some goon shit in the boondocks

by 2002dodgedurango July 9, 2021

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