So you go to a native field and blow the head off a buffalo with joe rogan and goon in in
Yeah i went Moon Gooning yesterday
Moon gooning is an event similar to gooning but on a more spiritual level. Some have stated it is native American in origin but this has not been confirmed.
The event is attended by at least 10 people including a sworn priest and a licensed jelqer to watch over the participants to make sure they go down the safest path. The ritual starts by taking a 12 gauge and blowing the head off of the sacrificial Buffalo and all participants start to goon while basking In the moonlight, after the gooning is complete the participants are required to hunt an elk, skin said elk and hang its entrails on a tree and then continue to goon until sunrise, when dawn breaks the participants sit around the entrail tree and take peyote plants. And thus, the ritual is complete.
Any who learn of this ritual and do not participate in it are rumored to be hunted down by the spirits of the sacrificed bison and elk (plural).
Typical moon gooner gatherers wear native headressess and the skull of the bison that was sacrificed in the previous ritual and the first time initiates are required to wear a headress and skirt as they stand in the center of the moon gooner circle.
We're linking up with tucker Carlson and doing a moon gooning session this weekend bruh, you should join us.
To disagree with someone who is blaming someone else
Jerry, when the moon shines, the cow pees.
A clash of clans clan led by shahab majeed and own by the clan AnimeGasm
The clan sunset moon is owned by the AnimeGasm clan
a really gay dude who likes to suck dick and rides it like theres no tomorrow
Damn! That guy is such a Moon Zoom
A condition in which a person experiences difficulty with determining the gender of a Project Moon character.
This occurs most often in new fans to the series, as a result of the androgynous design of many characters- notable ones being Argalia (Library of Ruina), Netzach (Library of Ruina), and Hong Lu (Limbus Company).
“I can’t tell if Netzach is a boy or a girl.”
“Sounds like you have Project Moon syndrome.”
It is a famous saying of a Mathematics teacher in La Salle College, Hong Kong. He used it to express his dissatisfaction on students who packed their school bags before the bell even rings. In normal conditions, it can be used to question someone who is going away to obviously nowhere for the purpose of avoiding something deliberately.
30 secs till bell rings, random student packs his bag.
Teacher: are you going to the moon?