Source Code

snake pig

background - old chinese
cubes of jelly found in chinese restaurants

'shit me, that snake pig jelly was delicious'

by bob January 27, 2005

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Pig Shiggy

Latin for Picture

"Pig Shiggy yourself in a boat on the river"

by WOOKIEE110 July 24, 2008

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Fuck a pig with a stick

A strong exclamation, usually proclaiming dismay over an awkward or unpleasant situation (i.e. getting your car jacked or losing your credit card)

The police are on the way? Oh, fuck a pig with a stick!

by Mister Man the Guy September 22, 2004

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Pig Headed Jerk

a stubborn, unreasonable person
unwilling to listen to the other side

I've given up trying to explain it to him. He's a pig headed jerk.

by Sparky99 October 28, 2007

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pig farm

The common use for kind fun-making to someone a bit "CHUNKY".

Man 1: Hey CHARLES GIBSON OF WORLD NEWS! Look at that pig farm over there!
Man 2: Hahaha that's a big'un alright!
Pig Farm: Hahaha you guys are TOO funny!

by Hoki Philipe May 31, 2007

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Guatemalan Guinea Pig

Find a partner with a raging bush, then perform anal sex. When your almost at climax pull out and have your partner poop a large plump turd. Ejaculate on the plump log to create the glue, then shave your partners bush onto it giving the appearance of a guinea pig. Now you have a pet you can kick around and enjoy.

Dude I was with some fat bitch the other night and we did a Guatemalan Guinea Pig so after sex we played around with it for hours...then we danced.

by Big Randall February 1, 2011

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Pig Flu Panic

1 media hype surrounding the great Swine Flu of '09.

2 eponymous first album of the yet to be formed punk rock band, Pig Flu Panic (PFP).

Etymology: modern English; first used in the New York Post front page headline April 26, 2009.

A: Shit, man, I'm going to start wearing a mask because of this pigfluenza shit!
B: You're such a sheep, dude, don't buy into pig flu panic.

A: Dude, have heard PFP's new album?
B: Yeah, man, they fucking sold out!

by charlesmartel April 27, 2009

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