a better way of saying retarded, could also be used if you want to say "BS" and retarded at the same time. alos could relate to words like stupid, dumb,
" OMG! that project was due today! and no one told be, man this is so bull-retarded, im'a fail!
To exclude the retard library from your school end work.
Does not apply (just #exclude <retard>).
Intelligence Retardant; adjective;
Can be used when describing the denunciation of a known or proven fact, serving to (slow down) the action/progress of something. Not to be used for mis/disinformation purposes, they’re made up words anyway. Not applicable to feelings.
Saw a video of British police arresting a man that posted a quote online causing a member of the trans mafia to become “triggered” and the police were heard defending the caller, spewing intelligence retardant all over the scene of the “crime”.
The act of making a loud constipated grunting sound at somebody that did something retarded.
"UGGHHH!" <-- Retard Grunt.
Flashback is a Swedish retarded version of the 4Chan forum. The Flasbackians are often retarded and often engage circle jerking activities. A retard is a person who is stupid and has difficulties understanding, therefore a Flashback Retard or a Flashbackian Retard, is a extraordinary retarded person who thinks or acts like a Flashbackian.
Yunis is a flashback retard.
When you start squealing and foaming from the mouth while giving your homie a good ole lickin' time.
Gilbert gave me a retarded rim job bruh..my asshole not the same no more.
The plastic knob put in the back of cellphones, so you dont drop and break your 5th iPhone, this year.
I got tired of buying Gina a new phone every time she got drunk, dropped it and broke it. So I bought her a retard handle