Source Code

bump up

increase something.

"they finally agreed to bump up her salary"

by Arminkshipper July 24, 2024

Stamin-up Roundabout

A strategy in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 for training zombies.

Daniel: Kyle doesn't use the MP40 Mudhole, he uses the stamin-up Roundabout strat.

Ethan: that's pretty messed up.

by justaboio June 12, 2024

gL0w Up

When you go grom Noah schnapp gc stan to Graham Miller gc stan to Alexa play decpacito gc stan Amen

Hey man did you see that gL0w Up dang I wish I had cool friends like them

by ALEXA PLAY DECPACITO GC!!!! July 10, 2018

Stick up

When one threatens to shoot another for money

Gracie this a stick up gimme your money or I shoot

by Big daddy poppy June 30, 2021

Stick ‘em ups

A slang term used to describe AND1 basketball shoes. The most common are the all black high tops.

John: “Kyle, we need to cross the street right now?”

Kyle: “Why?”

John: “There’s a 6’5 dark figure approaching and he’s wearing stick ‘em ups.”

Kyle: “oh shit you’re right!

by Fartbutt790 August 2, 2024