Josh is a calm, athletic, loud but yet quiet. He knows how to get his girls without even trying. He is the most trustworthy person you will ever know. Josh is helpful and talented when it comes to girls. Josh is amazing!
Girl* ( omg its josh )
Josh* ( oh hi hows your day going )
Girl* ( omg hes soooo nice) giggle giggle
A self absorbed dickhead that will always try to one up in everything you say. Will abandon you if you don't like what he likes. Sometimes he is funny but mostly he is just a huge douch
Oh shit Josh just left us to go play fortnite again
horrible arsenal player but a good friend, really short ad skinny could lowkey beat him tf up but wont fr
'oh look hes such a nice guy"
"he has to be a josh"
Adjective - Having one more at staff drinks (really 5) when you’re opening in the morning and then waking up 2 hours late in a blind panic before rushing into work, without your usual litre of hairspray.