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When someone talks about you behind your back but still hangs around you

This girl was talking bout me to my Bestfriend and she was talking to me at school but was still talking bout me that was Fake.

by Stay_real_ April 17, 2017


Slang to describe vape or e-cigarettes

Rebecca: do u sell vape?
Britney: I got a friend who sells fakes, want one?
Rebecca: yeah! Can I have their snap?

by Parachuter275 August 15, 2018


Fake is a definition for a person who pretends to be something they aren't. Think of a person who acts with the "rainbows and sunshine" personality or "plastic" They'll follow what's "in" instead of being themselves. Example of actions that are fake would be smiling when you aren't actually happy hence in the terms "fake it til you make it." Essentially they're pretending to be till everyone believes it to be.

The opposite terminology would be "real" Real means to be authentic Voicing your own opinion instead of following the crowd is more "real" Example everyone else is wearing red but I like monochrome colors hence I'll wear monochrome.

Examples of culture: The goth culture initially was suppose to be in representation of being different and not fake. Wearing black didn't truly matter but it represented being different then everyone running around with color. To not conform The ideologies was initially to be different from the rest. An outsider. Authentic. Unique. Yourself.

I think a good media reference on this could bee South Parks episode called The Undergrounders where it takes context on the idea of "fake."

by December 17, 2023


Brianna Byrd,a girl that goes to lakeshore that goes from one guy to the next while being fake

Stop being such a Brianna Byrd...so fake

by trevy12 February 28, 2019


Dominick Morales

"Bro, I saw your gf laughing with her ex, Dom, last night. He was putting on his clown mask and pulling all his jokes on her."

"I knew Dom was fake"

by sharksunite October 25, 2019



Ty-hana looks like a piece of unused wood with her fake ass

by DICKANDTITSUCKER October 24, 2019



broo ur like sinaya bro mad fake

by urmomsarot March 5, 2022