an idiom, in saying that something is, while the one saying it *is* that thing.
I ran into the conformist at SamGoody with an Eminem cd, whereas I had a Blondie cd. He said I was retarded because I was 'listening to shit.' I replied 'Well, talk about the pot calling the kettle black.'
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the line "doc" says to Romeo (clifton collins jr.) in "the boondock saints 2 all saints day" all saints day when they are first meeting each other in the bar as conner introduces them each other
hello nice yo meet you my name's Romeo good to meet you they call me fuck ass !
This line is spoken by Dr. Rumack, played by Leslie Nielson, in the film Airplane!
In one of the film's most famous scenes, former pilot Ted Striker (Robert Hays) discovers that both the pilot and co-pilot of Trans American Flight 209 have succumbed to food poisoning. Dr. Rumack asks Striker if he can fly the plane and land it. Striker responds, "Surely you can't be serious," prompting Rumack to say, with a straight face, "I am serious. And don't call me Shirley."
Julia seen Sharlene at the party and thought she was Shirley, so she said “Hi, Shirley! Nice hairdo!”. However, Sharlene didn’t take it that well and slapped Julia in the face “Don’t call me Shirley!” she huffed and left.
it is commonly used in a conversation when one says an adjective that can describe a person during sex
teacher: This test will be easy and do-able
student: thats what they call me, easy and do-able
When a small old man puts on two cock rings and has sex with a young attractive woman.
Ronnie gave Stephanie a Saskatchewan wake up call the night they got engaged.
Something to say to someone when they call you a name as a sarcastic remark.
"You're such a dumb*ss"
"no bb call me wigglings"
A male friend who gets involved with all of the girlfriends, of his male friends, but strictly in a friendship way.
Ted, from the movie "Jingle all the Way".
Example 1.
Friend 1:
"Great!, Alfredo added my girlfriend on Facebook."
Friend 2:
"Don't you mean Ted did?"
(Alfredo is a Friend You Call Ted.)