The world worst person,Never date on if one comes near you run for the fucking hills.People with the name Charlie lie about everything and are the biggest Fuckboi who have very small dick
Charlie is a Fuckboi run for you’re life
Charlie is the funniest girl you will ever met. She is pretty, Nice and sooo funny. She got your back everytime and she is suportive to everything you do. If you are sad, she will confort you and mâle you laugh. Charlie will never let you down.
Charlie is si cool! I wish I could be her best friend!
Charlie is a simp . Normally has blonde curly hair and light colored eyes. You can trust a Charlie because he will forget what you said. It's fun to hang out with a Charlie because he's funny and brings a lot of energy, but he is gluten free so good food is off the table when you're together. Charlie enjoys keeping himself in shape, playing Xbox, dancing, and taking half dick pics but then gets shy. Hobbies include not kissing his girlfriend and getting cut from the basketball team. He did, however, have a duet in the 7th grade play with an upperclassman girl. Charlies are fun, so have fun with Charlie.
Where's that bitch boy Charlie?
A girl who has a good sense of humour. She is also a sarcastic hoe. She likes to help other people with their problems but can't help herself. Charlie is enjoyable to be around, always has the most fun but get her annoyed and she'll get her sister on you. Music is her go-to. She listens to music in every mood she has. Charlie is popular. She is also debated to be the biggest slag in you know! If you find a Charlie never let go of her she is beautiful and flawless and when she loves you, she pushes a lot of trust towards you. Find a Charlie, keep a Charlie.
Has a gun collection... always needs to be a bit better then everyone else. Is always the leader, and if he isn't he will beat up the previous leader.
Damn, Charlie's gun collection is spooky, hope he wont beat me up and eat my butt.