Non bias, likes dbz and is the best troller
Goat troll/king troll being a goat
"Thanks man you the escape goat"
"they are all goats but he is the escape goat"
"Tim mf worley is the most goated sauce banger sigma to ever rizz."
Rape goats are easily identifiable because they are the safest person to harass, everyone takes part of in some capacity. Despite the malicious behavior targeted at this individual no one actually wants them gone because others find joy in their harassment; in the event that the rape goat is absent a new rape goat will be acquiesced by the group.
The "rape goat" is the lowest ranking individual in a social setting.
"Rape goat" is a metaphor based on the stereotype of farmers raping defenseless goats for their own amusement. The person acquiesced as the rape goat is likewise defenseless and harassed for the group's amusement.
"I don't think it's healthy to have a rape goat in a friend group, he always gets smoke for no reason. If he leaves than what then? Who's going to be the next rape goat?"
To swallow goat is to essentially just another phrase for sucking a D**k. It can be used in many a situation and is slightly less crude if you are speaking in front of people that you are embarrassed to speak freely in front of.
“Oh hey Sarah, did you swallow goat last night?”
“Oh yeah, I swallowed that goat good”
person hehe funne goat haha
everyone else hehe funne goat