you have GIGANTIC KNOCKERS!! they are full of milk and more than likely sling around when you walk.
Your boobs are gigantic! If we were in a horror film they'd call you the lactose monster.
"A curly-haired IT professional with an insatiable appetite for burritos and dank memes
Who would win? Burrito Monster or 3 Bay City Bombers?
A bread monster, otherwise known as a person, usually female, that takes on large loaves of bread in one sitting. The bread monster is prone to issues associated with ingesting too much yeast, such as vaginal yeast infections. Be careful when near the bread monster, they will eat your sandwiches and leave nothing but a cold slab of meat.
"Waitress, can we have a basket of bread with our meal?"
"Sorry, the bread monster ate us dry."
A large piece of shit that gets covered up by the seat cover (behind the toilet); the turd is partially visible through the thin white paper
That hidden monster is gross looking and stinks.
Did you see the hidden monster in the toilet at Burger King?
Fuck! It's a hidden monster!
2mg extended Relief Xanax Bar. Also called Hulk, gets its name from its green color and high dosage. 2mg is the highest dosage of Xanax. The print for green monsters is S 90 3, it this isnt imprinted on the bar dont take it. There is alternatively a white variation which is not extended relief.
"Mannnn those green monsters hit me hard, I popped like 6 of em and was foggy for a good minute."
the act of inhaling marijuana smoke from a blunt-like apparatus while simultaneously recieving oral sex from a woman
"Bobby failed that drug test."
"Yeah, I heard he was getting a green monster in his car."