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taco person

Definition- someone or something that lives in Mexico or is Mexican
Example- that Mexican is a taco person
Example- if from Mexico you is a taco person

My friend Josue is a taco person
My friend Gerardo Josue Eduardo geezer is a taco person

by Taco person destroyer February 4, 2024

personal chaos injection engine

That thing or person in your life that appears to exist simply to make your continued existence more difficult. This can be a friend, family member, colleague, pet, or just your hoopty that makes your life difficult. This is differentiated from a simple issue in that it can't easily be eliminated without substantial cost and rather than passively irritating you the PCIE appears to thrive on creating more trouble.

My personal chaos injection engine decided the set all my clothes on fire last night because I deleted "The Bold Type" from the DVR.

by Evil Architect June 26, 2018

Prettiest person in the world

August is the prettiest person in the world<3

“Who’s the prettiest person in the world??”
“Why, that would be August! He is the Prettiest person in the world. He doesn’t understand how perfect he is.”

by someone special lol June 5, 2022

ego person

One who hates the world (like an emo person) but only because he is so impressed by himself.

At first I thought Drew was emo, but then I realized that he loved himself, so he had to be an ego person.

by Furnald December 5, 2007

The Best Person Ever


-Who’s the best person ever?

by TwojaStara August 3, 2021

The best person ever


Kel: im the best person ever
Everyone in the world: Yes.

by Bob from acnh the best cat! March 24, 2022

The Best Person Ever

•TypicalFlame•#1492. They are the best person ever because theyre always there for you. They send daily hugs, everyday, despite having their own things to do. They always listen, no matter how dumb the rant is, and they always respond and dont ignore you, even if they have no clue what youre talking about. They defend no matter what, they always stick up for people when it's needed. They help, theyre always there for you- no matter how busy they are, they will make time to help you and make sure youre ok. They make sure youre having fun and having a good day, no matter what. They just always so whatever it takes for everyone around them. They always help everyone around. They take time out of their busy day to be there, no matter what. They always are there. They never forget you or let you feel anything but loved for even a second. They are just the best person ever, in every way.

"•TypicalFlame•#1492 is the best person ever! I wish I had an awesome friend like him! They're so cool and handsome!"

by The ducks in the hatchet sir August 28, 2021