A fat choad. A man of corpulent proportions. A portly man who does nothing but lump all day. A stocky individual who eats like there is no tomorrow. A lazy chump of a man. A master of the art of lumping. A godly creature. Some say mythological. (Also known as a Moad)
"That Man Toad doesnt deserve to live."
The affliction of not seeing something even when it is right in front of your face.
When a man looks in the pantry and cannot find the replacement mayonaise, he has man disease.
A hand care product meant to provide the comfort and cleanliness of a hand sanitizer but with a strong, masculine scent; found at the sale section of any Bath and Body Works.
Boyfriend: "My hands are dirty from those chips."
Girlfriend: "Oh here, I got some sanitizer if you don't mind smelling like a girl."
Boyfriend: "No thanks. I'd rather not smell like honeysuckles. I got some hand sanitizer for men yesterday."
Girlfriend: "For men?"
Boyfriend: "Yeah. Some man sanitizer."
Man, Rico is looking sexy with that huge man drape hanging offa his lip.
slang for words like: for real, ong, used by rapper Lil Durk.
Friend 1: Lil Durk is the best rapper
Friend 2: man whatt๐
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The nemesis of the dayman, and the original fictional character made by Charlie Kelly on the show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. He is believed to be the manifestation of Charlie's dark childhood and possible molestation.
Mac: What's this new song about Charlie?
Charlie: Night man, and how he goes fills you up inside to possess you.
Mac: Charlie, that totally sounds like rape.