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A dirty speedrun cheater who is worshipped by Tumblr even after it was proven that he cheated.

How stupid is Tumblr?

Well, they still support a guy who made a Minecraft speedrun which was proven to be a fraud. Fuck you, Dream.

by Someone who kinda exists December 28, 2022


A green screen that wears a mask with a smile and drives 20 hours up the east coast with trust issues while looking for his phone

"Hey do you watch dream?"
"The green screen? Of course!"

by bruuhHUhHuHh May 3, 2022


A gay YouTuber that plays Minecraft

Person 1: Who is your favorite YouTuber?
Dumbass 2: Dream
Person 1: Fuck you. I hope you die. You probably don’t have a father.

by CroatianDude The G October 5, 2021


Oh shoot that's a cool dream.

Hym "Seriously!? I just had a dream too! I dreamed that I was hanging out in this basement and then this kind of fat Hispanic looking chick shot me in the gut. Like right above the belt line. So, she goes upstairs and it's kind of like implied that I'm like a hostage now. And I'm just bleeding all over the place. And there's this white chick there who is... You know... Pretty chill about the whole situation. So there I am, stuffing toilet paper down my pants to try and stop the bleeding and, honestly, I'm being pretty chill about it too. And the Chris Williamson podcast with Jimmy Carr is playing on my phone and there is blood everywhere, right? So, I keep stuffing toilet paper down my pants and I'm I'm starting to get preety cold and my pants are just drenched in blood, yeah? So I turn to the White bitch and I'm like 'Hey, yo, I'm not looking too hot here man. You want to, like, call the cops or something?' And she's like 'Aw, what? Seriously?' And I'm like 'Yeah, I'm not stopping the bloob, like, AT ALL' so she's like 'Alright' and she goes to call 911 but while she's on the phone, she starts speaking FRENCH! And I'm like 'Wait, where ARE we?' And then the fat mexican bitch comes back downstairs and I'm like 'Oh no, is she going to finish the job?' So I like walk over to the other side of basemnt where my phone is at and I'm like 'Should I call 911?'

And the the Fat Mexican just starts, like, having a regular conversation with me. Like... As though she didn't just shoot me in the gut. Amd that's when I woke up. But check THIS! When I woke up from the dream, the Chis Williamson podcast with Jimmy Carr WAS PLAYING ON MY PHONE! Isn't that weird!? That happened to me once in high-school with a Yugioh episode too. So I thought that was pretty cool. But yeah... And when I woke up I'm like 'Oh no! If the Chris podcast was real... Then maybe the cold wetness in my pants was ALSO real!' And for a second I thought I pissed my pants but no... It didn't. So everything was cool. And then I did some writing and played Yugioh."

by Hym Iam October 18, 2023


I just had a dream that was like a Gen-V-esque teen drama superhero movie. This class has to make an emergency landing at this mountain base but the base is invaded by this evil organization. It was dope. One of the teens had the power to throw things in his vicinity into slow motion and claimed that he couldn't die. He kept calling it his 'Psyche.' BUT when one of the enemies (who could shape-shift into other people) turned into him, he used these rock... Powers? Super strength? Like Geras! From Mortal Kombat. That's what it was Geras! He did the rock fist on this other teen who had like super strength, right? So, super strength guy is fucking up the bad guys, right? And shale-shifter guy is sleeping on the stairs and he wakes to fight the super strength guy. So, he turns into psyche guy and punches a hole into superstrength guy and it like 'Oh shit! Psyche guy has some other powers or something!' And then there is this bad guy whose got fire and lightning powers. And Donnie Yen is in it. It was good. Didn't have a super coherent plot but... You know, it was a dream so I'll take it.

Hym "It was a good dream. It was a good movie! I mean, it might not win an award or anything but like, it was pretty good. And children were murdered in it. So, yeah. B+."

by Hym Iam July 31, 2024


I did the thing Emma. I said a racism to Frannie. Kind of. I told her not to think of the N word but I know she did and then I told her to picture a Persian guy without it being racist... Which is literally impossible.

Hym "Yeah, that would be dope. If my dream was real my grandma would be alive. I was at their house (where I grew up) and they had these giant stacks of cookies. Multiple plates full of these massive stacks of cookies filling the kitchen. And I remember thinking 'Why the fuck did she make that many cookies?' And then I woke up..."

by Hym Iam January 4, 2025



girl 1: oh i used to love dream as a kid

girl 2: he loved you too

by hehe_beebee December 3, 2023