Protein (especially whey protein powder)
"Bro, gotta get that dude fuel before my reps today."
dude thats gay is a very good terraria player speedruns and abandonens his friends to fight wall of flesh dude thats gay is the username
dude thats gay is a cunt
A practical joke in which you ejaculate into a milkshake or smoothie before serving it to a friend.
John: "Hey my drink tastes a bit off, are you sure you made this right?"
Jeff: "You idiot, you fell for a dude smoothie"
When a guy over reacts to a situation that is triggered by a female , loved one , family member. They will see’s red , they would become uncontrollable, no one is safe , jumps to conclusions ( creating scenarios that haven’t happened or potentially happened ) with or with out evidence. Could potentially lead to breaking stuff , showing up places unwarranted , major freaking out , lots of cursing , yelling , long detailed text , lots of voicemails . Essentially going off the deep end .
Gregg found out his girl was texting another guy . Gregg got dude brain syndrome and lost his mind and was creating scenarios in his head and freaking out about anything and everything on her.
N. A male who’s above an alpha male in the social hierarchy, achieved by having a Manhood that won’t shatter like glass from being compassionate, good human beings. Each good deed a hyper dude commits adds to their manliness.
Ok ‘Alpha Male,’ since I’m a Hyper Dude I’ll clean up your mess while you rant on twitter about the left ruining everything.
a cool biker dude is a little boy who roars like a tiger and bounces on his motorcycle. He is the coolest biker dude.
cool biker dude
A cool person (a.k.a. dude) that gives a strong voice to the suppressed feelings of the mass by holding up cardboard containing expressions and thoughts with a profoundly deep meaning that could not have been expressed better. A dude with sign is a man of focus, commitment and sheer f**king will.
Person 1: “Oh God, why are people so extra with these trends on Instagram? I hate it, but I can’t say anything coz everyone’s doing it…”
Person 2: “Thanksgiving is coming up and I just want to tell me aunt to shut the f**k up while I cook. How do I do that politely?”
Person 3: “How do you pronounce Pecan Pie?”
Dude with Sign: “Hold my beer.”