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All American Girl

A female with ties to her community, who shows honor and respect for herself and others. A female who receives and gives support to all important people in her life; one who understands the bonds of friendship and family and holds those in high regard. A female who is short or tall, fat or thin, brunette or blonde, brown eyed or blue eyed, A cup or D cup, bald or long haired-basically, a female who embraces her unique looks and understands that she is beautiful because of the sparkle in her eye from enjoying her life; of her grin from her ability to smile through all situations; of her confident walk from knowing her own worth. An all american girl is one that every girl aspires to be, and women strive to raise.

Even when having a bad day, Rosie walked with her head high, remembering what her mother taught her of being an All American Girl.

by MyLivingOregon November 13, 2017

48πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

American Eagle

a store for those idiots who seem to like being underweight and ruining their body with chemicals, i have a few hand-me-down american eagle clothes, all of which are either:too tight, see-through, too deep a v-neck, too short, or have quarter-inch shoulders that never seem to stay on my arms.

idiot prep "look at this new american eagle shirt i got!"
metalhead "oh! it was so small and low-quality i thought it was for that shaved rat you carry around in your purse!

by Owl City is Awesome November 29, 2010

2πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

African American engineered

nigger rigged

I broke that bolt so I used zip ties to african american engineered it.

by Turd Furgurgus August 30, 2008

38πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Native American girls

Native American girls are beautiful, intelligent and thoughtful also very spiritual. They are one of most beautiful women and girls in the world. They are caring for our planet, wildlife and etc. They have dark hair, dark eyes and amazing features. A lot of Afro Natives also have all these traits, and have one of the best cultures and most beautiful cultures emerged. They come from many tribes like. They are so strong willed and resilient and cheerful souls. Will not put with peoples bs especially white peoples bs. From Tribes like Sioux,Apache,Powhatan, Cherokee, Iroquois, etc.

β€œ Native American girls with the dark hair and amazing features are beautiful”

by Thelittleblackcat January 30, 2020

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

American Greed Vacation

This is the type of vacation that rich people take. They do not go to see the sights of the place they are visiting but to "relax" (except maybe to golf) and spend most of the vacation stuffing their faces with fancy food or drinking gallons of wine and lounging around the hotel or possibly the beach or pool. Generally the kinds of people who go to the same place all the time and have no appreciation for what a real vacation is.

When you go to Hawaii you see a lot of people in the resort areas on American Greed Vacations.

by New English January 11, 2009

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Italian-American challenge

This is a challenge for all the Italians or Italian-looking people out there. Basically you have to score a threesome with an Italian girl (from Italy) and an American girl. The kicker is that you have to convince the American girl that you're Italian while convincing the Italian girl that you're American. Extra points if you get 'em both indabutt. The best strategy is to speak bad Italian and broken English and make sure the American girl doesn't know Italian and the Italian girl doesn't know much English. This is a tough one...any guy who pulls it off is generally awarded pimp of the year automatically.

Mac: "Hey Guido, I heard you were trying to pull off the Italian-American challenge last night. Did it work?"
Guido: "No."
Mac: "Ooooh, looks like you got denied on the pimp of the year award again."

by Nick D May 7, 2004

54πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

All American Rejects

An AWESOME band. Lead singer Tyson Ritter... is a sexy little thing... yes he is.. And their songs are awesome too, all their albums usually have one topic so it flows, or whatever, and their song "Swing Swing" is/was a hit.

I ♥ AAR!

Oh yes I do.


by Kalcutta May 29, 2005

198πŸ‘ 145πŸ‘Ž