Lots of girls + 2 straight guys + 2 gay guys
Fake college sorority whose only entrance fee is the ability to chug your drink.
People who will do anything for a free drink.
YOLOing in a college town.
When you come to delta drunk you will never escape sober
When you mix different types of alcohol to get a certain type of drunk.
Carl: Damn, Lois just took a shot of everclear and chased it with a beer.
Phil: Yeah, tonight she's getting designer drunk.
Past Tense
When a person has been duped, tricked, confused, bamboozled, misled, or swindled by an act so bizarre and nonsensical it defies logical explanation--like being cornered by your drunk uncle at a family gathering.
"Woody drunk uncled me again, so somehow I'm paying for dinner."
Twitter profile who loves show some love for larents fucking at dallas and airport to be honest we enjoy it twarrie hate her and larries love her
Lil drunk ✩ 6 days always staring off dallas conversation she likes harry's mouth sucking louis's dick
The drunk Australian man is the finest example of human evolution in history, when the drunk Aussie man comes home after drinking with "The Boyz" ( a small pack of drunk Aussie males) he comes home and sees his little boy and GIVES THAT LIL BITCH A BACKHAND "the lil bitch boy backhand is a defence mechanism developed be the drunk aussie males after realising that their son will be nothing like them.
Woman #1 hey that guys a fucken drunk Australian
Woman #2 yeah at least we're not his son
Directly translated from Finnish. Drinking a lot of booze in a short time to catch up on your friends who started earlier and achieve the same level of drunkness. What'll happen in reality you get too drunk way too fast and end up in the weirdest of situations.
I got off work and got assault drunk to hang out with friends. Ended up naked on the street with no recollection.
A body shot, in which alcohol is poured in a man's foreskin. Is sometimes also refered/ called 'Brother Tom is drowning'
The club got crazy when Marcus asked to try a Drunk Friar with his new friend.