american slang for a rooty tooty point and shooty.
what caliber is that gun? Translates to English as: What calibre is that rooty tooty point and shooty?
What Joker wields for his neutral special
For his neutral special, he wields a gun.
Gun can shoot down any clashes with sniper accuracy.
North Tower services did not stand a chance against Gun.
The cause of, and solution to all of life's problems.
Tim: Oh know I shot that guy with my gun.
George: It's ok, just shoot everyone who saw you.
from chinese “gu2ne2ra1” from proto-hindi “kuna” meaning a weapon from western sanskrit “kyuna” meaning either a. a trap or b. a complicated device from old afghani “chuna” meaning a trap from proto-rus “suchana” meaning a food often confused for “gechuna” meaning a trap from proto-indo-german “kechu na” meaning mud from the proto-anglo-russian “k’chun” meaning quicksand
A weapon in which is commonly used in school shootings to cause increased damage. A multi component weapon that fires lead at a high acceleration.
Ex: "Dahm bro... Did you see that shooter pump those bullets from that gun into that teacher." Holy shit...
A multi component weapon in which bullets are placed into and fired at a high acceleration.guns were made in 1892 and since have been a common occurence in modern day societies.A weapon in which is commonly used by school shooters to cause increased damage.
Ex: "dahm did you see that school shooter pump that gun into that guys chest"... holy shit.